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SmartFX ULTIMATE EA – [Cost $450] – For FREE

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SmartFX ULTIMATE EA – [Cost $450] – For FREE

SmartFX ULTIMATE EA work is based on their custom indicator, trend detection, candle heights, wave pattern, and oscillator. This Forex Robot is a result of years of successful manual trading and several months of programming in MQL4 language. EA trades only when the market is in perfect condition to bring the most profits from the market movement.

SmartFX ULTIMATE Scalper EA trades in a very special way that is unique in every way. The exact rules and code behind it aren’t disclosed, however, what can be said is that it enter trades based on the most movements, be it small or big, which delivers a great edge in profiting in the short and long term.

Premium Scalper Indicator 2.0 FREE Download
Minimum account balance of 2000$ or equivalent cent/micro acount
Work On Any pair But recommend major pairs
Work best on M1 Time Frames
Recommend running this Free Forex EA 24/5 on a VPS (Reliable and Trusted FOREX VPS – FXVM)

No Minimum Deposit
ECN Acount
No Commission


Min Deposit of 20$
Allow USA Traders
Levergae up to 1:500

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