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390 $

ERXGen BreakOut EA

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ERXGen BreakOut EA v1.6 The forex EA is a great choice for traders looking for daily profit!

The revised and new version that will bring you high profits

Intra-week trend
Tight Tokyo Range (gap between high and low price during Tokyo session must be low, ranging and not trending)
Location of the Tokyo Range (price action during Tokyo session must happen either at the top or bottom of the previous day’s range)


ERXGen BreakOut EA v1.6

Multi-Currency Pairs for EUR and GBPWell-written algorithms, precise and fast
More like a trade assistant than a robot
Allows for user intervention
Manages risk – lot sizes, trade sizes
Manages trades – trade size, trade targets, trade stop loss, stop loss management (move to breakeven, trailing, partial closes, etc)
Additional control parameter e.g. stop loss based on EMA, trade recovery techniques, etc
Visual display


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